What's New: Glorious Green Hexagonal Cardigan

I've had a busy summer and I've been working on a lot of fun new projects...and finishing up others...so I haven't had a lot of time to wok on the ol' blog! But now that my kiddos are back in schoool I will hopefully be able to update a little more frequently! Yay!

Today I wanted to share a couple of pics of a project I finished up earlier this summer! It's a really fun hexagonal cardigan that I made for my sister's birthday! When I think of my sister I think of the color green. She has a love of all things that grow, and has an amazing green thumb. She actually majored in Horticulture in college!

Anyway, when I saw this gorgeous variegated green yarn at the store I *KNEW* it was meant to be made into something for her! The yarn is from Premier Yarns, and is called Puzzle. This particular colorway is called Maze, but the yarn comes in lots of really pretty colors!



Originally I thought I would just make her a little throw or something, but as I got started it just didn't feel right. My sister is incredibly practical and minimalistic, and I knew that I couldn't gift her something she could actually use!

When I came across THIS pattern (by Jess from Make & Do Crew) on Pinterest, I knew that I had found the right fit for this yarn! I modified the pattern a bit, leaving the sleeves wider, and replacing the hood with a collar, and basically just used the pattern as a referance.



I used this giant coconut button I had been hoarding as a closure to finish it off, and I think it really complemented the yarn perfectly!


I love how it turned out! The soft texture of the bulky yarn, and the subtle changes in the colors of the yarn really made it feel perfectly cozy!


Anyway, I hope you like this little project, and that it inspires you to make something cozy, too!


Yarn: Premier Yarns - Puzzle
Colorway: Maze
Amount: 2 skeins (14oz)
Pattern: The Campfire Cardigan (for referance)

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